Author: simonc

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Natural Ways to Boost Your Growth Hormone Levels

Building muscle is not just about exercising and eating protein. Your muscle growth also relies on hormones and chemical reactions in your body.

One important hormone for building muscle is called growth hormone (GH). It helps build and fix muscle tissues and can really boost strength and performance during exercise.

Besides, it’s also important for healing injuries and repairing tissues in your brain and other organs. Because of its advantages, many people who are into fitness use artificial growth hormones.

But while synthetic GH can make you stronger and improve your appearance, it can also cause lasting health problems.

The good news is that our bodies make growth hormones naturally. There are plenty of ways to boost its levels without risking those side effects.

What is a Growth Hormone?

The pituitary gland makes human growth hormone (HGH), which is important for growth, building muscles, and the way the body uses energy.

Our bodies make more growth hormone when we’re stressed or doing physical activities. This means we can increase our growth hormone levels by changing our lifestyle and diet.

Benefits of growth hormone:

  • Helps you lose weight
  • Increases muscle mass
  • Improves memory and learning
  • Boosts muscle strength
  • Aids in injury recovery
  • Speeds up wound healing
  • Strengthens bones
  • Keeps your skin healthy


Both endurance and resistance exercises, like weightlifting and cardio workouts, boost the release of growth hormones in our bodies.

Regular exercise and intense training cause a surge in your growth hormone levels, which helps with more fat loss and muscle building.

Lose some body fat

Too much body fat can lower growth hormone (GH) levels in both men and women. Research indicates that people with obesity have lower levels of GH and other growth-related proteins. However, when they lose a lot of weight, their GH levels go back to normal.

Losing belly fat can help bring GH levels back to where they should be and improve your health overall.

Reduce sugar intake

Research shows that individuals with diabetes tend to have lower levels of growth hormones. High insulin levels, which are common in diabetes, are linked to decreased GH levels. Additionally, consuming too much sugar can lead to weight gain and obesity, which further reduces GH production in the body.

Eating refined carbohydrates like pastries and white bread can significantly lower GH levels and cause a sudden increase in blood sugar levels.

Individuals with diabetes typically have 3-4 times lower GH levels compared to those who are healthy.

Intermittent Fasting

Research indicates that fasting for three days intermittently can boost your growth hormone levels by up to 300%.

Fasting significantly raises GH production because it reduces body fat and lowers insulin levels.

Optimal sleeping pattern

During deep sleep, your body releases a lot of growth hormone at different times. This release depends on your internal body clock or circadian rhythm.

If you don’t sleep well, your body makes less growth hormone.

Reduce Stress

Lowering stress through relaxation techniques like massages and deep breathing can improve sleep patterns and lead to more growth hormone production.

Research shows that practicing relaxation exercises like yoga can greatly increase your growth hormone levels.


Using a Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) supplement can boost your body’s growth hormone levels by as much as 400%.

GABA works as a neurotransmitter that calms the body, reducing stress and anxiety. GABA also enhances growth hormone levels by improving sleep quality.

Meal quality

The type of food you eat affects your growth hormone levels. Eating high-fat and high-sugar meals increases the levels of somatostatin in your body. This hormone stops the release of GH.

Eating high-fat meals can lower your GH levels, which can slow down your progress.

The Science Behind the Benefits of Working Out

Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, said that to stay healthy, we need to watch what we eat and how much we move. For a long time, people followed this advice by controlling their portions and staying active. However, in the early 20th century, the focus shifted from preventing health issues to treating them after they occur. As a result, exercise was no longer seen as crucial for good health.

In the last hundred years, exercise has mainly been seen as a way to improve appearance, like gaining muscle or losing weight. But recent research has shown that Hippocrates was right all along. In this article, we’ll explore how exercise can make your life better in many ways.

Anxiety & Stress Reduction

Exercise can help you feel less stressed and anxious before it gets worse and turns into depression. Just one session of aerobic exercise can make your body produce feel-good chemicals called endorphins. These chemicals can reduce tension, improve your mood, and help you sleep better.

When you’re stressed or anxious, you might feel like you have no control over your life. But exercise can make you feel more empowered and accomplished, which boosts your self-esteem.

When you exercise, your body makes more endorphins, which can improve your mood. It also reduces the release of cortisol and adrenaline, which can make you feel bad.

A recent study of 1.2 million people found that those who exercised regularly had fewer mental health issues than those who didn’t.

Heart Health

Regular aerobic exercise helps fight coronary artery disease by delivering more oxygen to the heart muscle and improving lung function. A study presented at the 2009 European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation congress found that a moderate, supervised exercise program can enhance the cardiovascular system’s function.

Physical activity helps reduce the risk of stroke by increasing heart rate and lowering blood pressure and heart disease risk. When you exercise, your heart gets stronger and pumps blood more efficiently. This means it can deliver more oxygen to your body. Exercise also improves cholesterol levels by increasing good (HDL) cholesterol and decreasing bad (LDL) cholesterol. It helps remove LDL from the blood, especially when done regularly.

Bones, Joints & Muscle

Exercise makes your muscles stronger, reduces pain, and gives you more energy. It also helps keep the tissue around your joints healthy by stimulating fluid production. Being physically fit lowers the risk of muscle, bone, and joint problems. Studies show that exercise can help ease the constant pain of conditions like fibromyalgia by boosting mood and reducing pain.

Our bones get stronger when they’re put under stress. Activities like running, which involve a lot of impact, can increase bone density. A study from the University of Missouri showed that running is especially good for building strong spines compared to activities like cycling or swimming.

Another study found that older men who exercise three times a week for 30 minutes can prevent one-third of fractures.

Exercise can also help with back pain. Doing exercises that strengthen and stretch the muscles in your back can promote healing and reduce the chances of having more back pain in the future.

Digestive System

Regular exercise is good for your digestion. It makes your breathing and heart rate faster, which helps your intestines move food along and produce digestive enzymes faster. This means food gets to your large intestine quicker. Exercise also helps food move faster through your intestines to your colon.

Exercise is good for your overall health and immune system. Losing weight through exercise can reduce heartburn and limit the amount of stomach acid your body produces, which helps with digestion.

Increased Energy

Exercise may tire you out while you’re doing it, but it actually boosts your energy afterward. Many studies show that regular exercise can reduce feelings of tiredness, both in healthy people and those with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Eating well and exercising regularly, just like Hippocrates suggested 2,500 years ago, are crucial for staying healthy and preventing illness. In this article, we’ve discussed various science-backed benefits of exercise that go beyond just losing weight and gaining muscle. Use these benefits to stay motivated and consistent with your exercise routine, knowing it’s the best thing you can do for your body and mind.

5 Ways to Improve Your Sleep with Yoga and Exercise

At the close of the day, time often slips away too quickly, leaving many of us unprepared to unwind. There are those last-minute emails to be dispatched, dishes waiting to be cleaned, family members requiring our attention, and the weight of tomorrow’s tasks on our minds. This flurry of activity can make it challenging to ease into a peaceful slumber.

This is where pre-sleep yoga enters the picture. The gentle physical movements themselves induce relaxation, and the foundational principles of yoga – such as gratitude, self-compassion, and contentment – when incorporated into your bedtime routine, can also have a calming effect. According to Carol Krucoff, a yoga therapist at Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, North Carolina, practicing these principles before sleep can help promote restful sleep.

Try these five gentle poses and exercises to get you all set for sleep:

Yoga Belly Breathing

“If you can only do one thing to get ready for sleep, spend a few minutes focusing on your breathing,” says Krucoff. She’s talking about taking deep breaths using your belly. During the day, you might breathe shallowly from your chest, but deeper breaths fill your lungs completely. “This sets off a series of changes in your body. Your heart rate slows down, your blood pressure goes down, and your muscles relax,” she explains.

Here’s how to do it: Lie down and place one hand below your belly button. Inhale through your nose, letting your belly rise. Exhale through your nose. Repeat this for a few minutes.

Range of Motion Sequence

Here, you will move your joints all around. “This is something that calms you, eases tension, and can even be done in bed,” says Krucoff. What’s more, it helps you pay attention to how your body feels, not just what happened with your family, at work, or what you heard in the news during the day. Do some of your muscles feel sore? Do some feel tired? “Many of us spend most of our time thinking,” Krucoff says. “This practice brings your focus back to your body, which is a good way to get ready for sleep.”

Here’s how to do it: Lie down on the floor or your bed. Move your ankles in a circle. Straighten your legs, then bend your knees. Lift and lower your hips in circular motions. Bend your elbows, then stretch your arms out at your sides. Lift and rotate your shoulders. Repeat as much as you like and as long as it feels comfortable.

Knee Hug

If you have problems with your back, the knee hug can be very soothing, says Krucoff. Back pain is one of the main reasons people go to the doctor, and it can also keep people from going to work, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Sitting hunched over a desk all day can cause discomfort, but this exercise can help alleviate it.

Here’s how to do it: Lie down and bring one or both knees up to your chest. You can do one or both, depending on what you can manage. If you can bring both knees to your chest at the same time, gently rock from side to side to massage your spine.

Shoulder Shrug

Many people often feel tension in their neck and shoulders, according to Krucoff. This tension can become even worse if you spend your day working on a computer or staring at your smartphone.

Here’s how to relieve it: Sit on your bed with a straight back and good posture. Breathe in, raising your shoulders up to your ears and squeezing your arm and shoulder muscles tightly. Breathe out and relax your shoulders, pulling your shoulder blades downward. Do this a few times.

Corpse Pose

If you do yoga, you might know this as Savasana, the final pose in class. “It seems easy to just lie down and do nothing, but it’s one of the hardest poses because you need to let go of physical and emotional tension and clear your mind,” explains Krucoff. But don’t worry about getting it perfect. Just lie down, stay still, and try not to think about anything specific. This will help you relax. Krucoff calls it “relaxed alertness,” which might sound strange, but it’s about noticing any thoughts or feelings without getting stuck on any one.

Here’s how to do it: Lie down with your arms at your sides, palms up, and relaxed. Close your eyes and pay attention to your breath going in and out. If your mind is busy, recognize the thoughts and imagine them floating away.

How Meal Timing Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness and Health Goals

We understand that the food we eat plays a vital role in our health and fitness outcomes. To achieve good results, we need to consume high-quality food. However, what some people may not realize is that when you eat is almost as important as what you eat!

Before We Begin

Before focusing on when you eat, make sure you’re eating the right foods in the right amounts. This means not skipping meals and avoiding excessive eating on weekends. Find a meal plan that balances your nutrients and is sustainable. After you’ve got this in place, then you can consider when to time your nutrients.

Meal Timing For Maximum Performance

Meal timing ideas come from the world of sports. Studies have looked at when to eat for the best exercise performance. The basic idea is to have carbs before and after your workout. This gives you energy for your training and helps your muscles recover. But remember, just timing your meals won’t make you lose fat. You also need to eat fewer calories than you burn each day to lose weight. So, if you’re exercising to lose weight, follow the advice below and eat a bit less each day, like 250-500 calories fewer than what you need.

What to Eat Before a Workout

The goal of eating before a workout is to give your body the energy it needs for your training session. About 90 minutes before you start, have a meal with both protein and carbs. This will fill up your muscles’ energy stores and protect your muscle mass during the workout. Avoid fatty foods before exercising because they’re slow to digest and can make you feel tired. Instead, have a quick carb snack like a banana 20 minutes before you begin. Some people use pre-workout drinks to boost energy and focus during their workout, but they’re not as important as timing your regular meals. So, to sum it up:

  • 90 minutes before the workout, eat a meal with half protein and half carbs (like chicken and sweet potato).
  • 20 minutes before the workout, have a fast-acting carb (like a banana).

Intra-Workout Nutrition

While you’re working out, your body uses the food you ate 90 minutes before. It doesn’t need extra calories during your exercise, but it does need water to stay hydrated. This keeps your muscle cells full and replaces the water lost through sweating.

When you sweat, you lose electrolytes, which are important for your muscles to function. You should drink water with added electrolytes to replace these lost electrolytes as you work out.

Post-Workout Nutrition

After your workout, your body has used up its main energy source called glycogen. To replenish this energy, you should eat carbohydrates. Carbs you consume after a tough workout go straight into your muscle cells to replace the lost glycogen.

If you crave something sweet, having a small portion of a sugary snack within an hour after your workout is okay. This could be a small blueberry muffin or a few pieces of chocolate.

Eating a sweet treat right after exercising might help you stick to your diet, but make sure to keep the portion small!

You also need protein after your workout to repair the muscles that got worked during your session. Aim for 20-30 grams of protein in the hour after your workout. You can get this from real food or a protein powder.

Night Time Nutrition

The idea of eating before bedtime is debated. Research supports both sides. If you have acid reflux, avoid eating three hours before bed. Having a full meal before bedtime can stimulate digestion and make it hard to fall asleep.

While eating a big meal before bed might lead to weight gain, there’s no evidence that a healthy, small snack will make you gain weight. In fact, it can help you sleep better. Instead of sugary desserts, choose a snack with protein and fiber. A small bowl with diced cheese, apple slices, and walnuts is a good option.

Is Your Fiber Intake Too High? Don’t Let These Symptoms Get the Best of You!

Dietary fiber is found in plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It can help lower your risk of heart disease, keep your blood sugar levels stable, and improve your gut health.

Most people don’t eat enough fiber. In fact, an estimated 95% of American adults and children don’t consume the recommended amounts.

However, eating too much fiber can also have some negative effects. Fiber comes in two types: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and helps food move through your digestive system. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to stool and makes it easier to pass.

Both types of fiber are good for your health, but too much fiber can lead to side effects such as:

  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation

If you increase your fiber intake too much or too soon, you may experience these side effects.

Bloating and Gas

When you eat a lot of fiber, especially if you’re not used to it, your stomach may feel bloated and gassy. This is because your gut bacteria need time to adjust to the extra fiber.

Usually, these side effects go away after a few days or weeks. But if they’re severe or don’t improve, talk to your doctor.

Here are some tips for reducing gas and bloating caused by eating too much fiber:

  • Start by adding small amounts of fiber to your diet gradually.
  • Eat a variety of fiber-rich foods, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Avoid eating large amounts of fiber at one meal.
  • Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks.

Mineral Deficiencies

Excessive fiber consumption can hinder the absorption of key minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Fiber acts as a binding agent, preventing your body from absorbing these minerals from the foods you consume. While many high-fiber foods are naturally rich in these minerals, some individuals might face a risk of mineral deficiencies. In such cases, increasing your intake of mineral-rich foods, such as meat, can help compensate for this issue.


While it might seem like eating fiber should help with constipation, it doesn’t work for everyone. Surprisingly, in some cases, fiber can even worsen constipation. Different studies have had mixed results: some suggest adding fiber to your diet can help with constipation, while others say reducing it is better.

Moreover, some studies have found that people with chronic constipation consume similar amounts of fiber as those without the condition. Therefore, if your constipation is caused by something other than a lack of fiber, such as certain medications, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or dehydration, increasing your fiber intake may not help and could potentially make your situation worse.

Intestinal Blockage

Although uncommon, excessive fiber intake can lead to a situation where undigested fibers or stool gets stuck in a narrow section of your intestines. This can be painful and require immediate medical attention. When undigested fiber from fruits or vegetables forms a hard, solid mass, it can block the passage through the intestines. This is more common in older adults who may not chew their food thoroughly. Intestinal blockages are a serious issue and may necessitate surgery.

How Much Fiber Should You Eat in a Day?

There isn’t a specific upper limit for fiber intake, so it’s not about a harmful amount. Daily fiber recommendations vary based on factors like your age, gender, and personal needs. The U.S. Dietary Guidelines suggest about 14 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories, translating to roughly 28 grams daily for most adults across meals and snacks. But, individual preferences can differ, so it’s advisable to discover the right fiber intake for you through experimentation.


The suggested daily fiber intake for the typical adult woman is around 25 grams. However, your specific needs can vary based on factors like your age and size. If you’re over 50, the recommended minimum amount is about 21 grams per day.


The typical adult man should aim for around 38 grams of daily fiber intake. However, your specific requirements can vary depending on factors like your size, age, and personal needs. If you’re over 50, having at least 30 grams of fiber daily is suggested.


Children and teenagers can have different needs because they come in various sizes and ages. Generally, older kids and teens should aim for a daily fiber intake of between 21 and 38 grams.

Getting this amount can be a challenge for some because they may eat smaller portions. To help them eat more fiber, focus on fiber-rich foods, such as nuts, beans, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Why You Should Create an Exercise Schedule

You’ve begun your path to fitness. After a couple of months of dedication, you’ve made significant progress. You’ve shed fat, gained more muscle, and witnessed a better version of yourself in the mirror. You felt a sense of happiness and achievement.

Yet, your journey is ongoing. Fitness isn’t just a single event, whether you’re an elite athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or a complete beginner. It’s essential to understand that it has a starting point but no final destination.

An exercise schedule is a structured plan that outlines specific times, days, and activities for your workouts, helping you establish a habit. On average, it takes about 60 days to create or break a habit. Having a regular exercise schedule enhances consistency, promotes fitness awareness, minimizes mental resistance, and ultimately turns fitness into an automatic, pleasurable habit.

Makes you feel happier

Exercising makes you happier because it releases endorphins, especially when you follow a workout plan. When you finish a planned workout, it gives you a sense of achievement because you set goals in the past and now meet them. But skipping your scheduled workout can lower your mood and energy, so sticking to your plan for better mental and physical health is important.

Makes fitness more holistic and fun

Fitness means different things to different people. Some want to build muscles or improve flexibility, while others aim to lose weight. Some just want to be healthier overall. Regardless of your fitness goals, it’s important to consider your overall health and fitness. For instance, some weightlifters might overlook things like cardiovascular endurance while focusing only on strength and power.

Having a well-planned exercise schedule can help you find a balance when you have multiple goals. This way, you can prioritize your workouts and not overly concentrate on just one aspect of your fitness.

Helps you organize your life

We understand that staying fit can be tough, especially when you have a lot going on in life, like studying, work, family, and friends. Having a workout schedule can make it easier to manage your time. It helps you get ready for your workouts, and you can even squeeze in short exercises or quick routines when you’re busy. Regular exercise can make your workouts more effective and help you achieve both short-term and long-term fitness goals.

Makes you feel more motivated.

Having a workout plan can help you stop procrastinating and stay motivated. Many people find motivation in following a structured plan. Research has proven that writing down your goals significantly increases your chances of success and sticking to your plans.

Allows you to track your progress

An exercise schedule simplifies the process of recording your progress in workout apps or a journal, which is important for tracking your fitness journey.

Promotes sustainability

Injury is a common reason people lose progress in their fitness journey. A muscle strain can cause pain and stress, making it hard to continue with your gym routine. To avoid this, stick to a balanced exercise schedule that includes rest and workout breaks. This way, you can get the most out of your workouts while allowing your body to recover. It helps you build a long-lasting fitness habit.

9 Weight Loss Truths That No One Tells You

You already know that losing and maintaining weight can be a real challenge. But knowing why it’s tough can help you avoid getting discouraged with every small setback and improve your chances of success. Let go of the shortcuts and confront the realities of weight loss.

Your Body Works Against You

When you try to lose weight, your body fights you. Weight loss affects hormones, making you feel hungrier and full less often. These imbalances persist even after you’ve lost weight, making it harder to keep it off. Rapidly cutting calories can slow your metabolism, leading to muscle loss. Eating too little may cause overeating later. A moderate approach, balancing increased physical activity with decreased calories, is recommended for long-term success.

There Are No Easy Fixes

Losing weight quickly isn’t realistic. Prescription weight loss drugs may work, but they can be costly with side effects. Extreme diets harm your metabolism. Weight loss takes patience. Healthcare pros suggest a gradual approach, aiming for 1 to 2 pounds per week, which is more sustainable.

Exercise Can’t Conquer All

Exercise helps you lose weight and maintain it, but you need to exercise a lot. However, you can’t lose weight through exercise alone because it’s hard to burn more calories than you consume. You need to focus on your diet and exercise together for weight loss success.

Diet Supplements Don’t Work

Pills that say they’ll speed up your metabolism might sound good, but they don’t have much proof that they work. A big review of over 1,700 articles about different supplements and treatments, like green tea, acupuncture, and caffeine, found there wasn’t strong proof they really help with weight loss. So, instead of trying these trendy supplements, it’s better to stick with proven ways to lose weight, like eating less and being more active.

Fad Diets Don’t Work for Long

Fad diets like grapefruit, maple syrup, cabbage, apple cider vinegar, or juice diets promise to help you lose weight quickly. They work for a short time because they make you eat fewer calories. But the problem is that most people can’t stick to these diets for long. So they usually go back to their regular way of eating, and the weight comes back.

One Diet Doesn’t Fit All

Every person’s body is different. What works for one person may not work for another. So, when you’re thinking about how to lose weight, it’s essential to consider factors like your health, your family history, your metabolism, how active you are, your age, your gender, and your food preferences. It’s also crucial to include some of your favorite foods in your diet, so you don’t feel like you’re missing out, which can help you stick to a healthy eating plan. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all diet for everyone.

Cardio Is Essential

According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, adults should aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week, along with some muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days. Remember, every bit of movement counts, so try to be more active throughout the day, even if it’s just a short walk.

These guidelines should help most people lose weight, but if you’re obese or have a lot of weight to lose, you may need to work up to at least 30 minutes of exercise per day over time. And don’t forget strength training, which is essential for muscle, bone, and joint health. It also gives your metabolism a little boost and helps you appear more toned.

He Can Eat More Than She Can

It might not seem fair, but men can eat more than women and still lose weight. This is because men generally have a natural advantage when it comes to burning calories. Jo says they have larger bodies, more muscle, and higher levels of the hormone testosterone, which helps build muscle. Additionally, the male body is genetically predisposed to have more muscle and less fat than the female body because men don’t have the energy storage needs associated with pregnancy. You’ll see better results on the scale once you accept this and eat less than your male partner or friends.

Traffic Light Eating: Is It a Dietary Treasure or Nutritional Minefield?

The healthiest people we know aren’t flawless models of perfection. Actually, you might find their eating habits quite surprising. This is because, rather than sticking to someone else’s dietary recommendations, they’ve created a personalized food list that aligns with their unique dietary preferences.

They consider both taste preferences and how food affects them, allowing room for indulgences, and it’s an effective method. It promotes a healthy, enjoyable, and controlled approach to eating without feeling deprived. This approach is accessible to everyone and has been used successfully with over 100,000 clients for more than a decade.

Let’s talk about the traffic light eating method. If you don’t like the name or think it’s too strict, don’t click away just yet. Some companies have a similar-sounding approach with strict food rules for everyone, which can be controversial.

With our system, you’ll create your own categories of “green light,” “yellow light,” and “red light” foods based on what suits you best, and just so you know, “red light” doesn’t mean they’re bad. It’s not just about nutrition quality; your personal preferences, habits, goals, and how your body reacts also matter in this process.

Green light foods = anytime, anywhere foods

These are the foods you regularly and comfortably enjoy. You can consume them at a normal pace and in sensible portions. This list is primarily comprised of whole foods, but it may also include items you eat purely for enjoyment in amounts that suit you. Nutrient density is important, but your “green lights” are foods that bring you pleasure, align with your lifestyle, and make you feel good physically or mentally. These foods don’t require much thought – you simply savor them without overthinking.

Yellow light foods = “sometimes” / “maybe” / “small doses” foods

Your “yellow light” foods are ones you eat occasionally, with some care and thought. They might disagree with your stomach, but they’re not a big emergency. You might prefer to have them in small amounts or only on special occasions, like when you’re out with friends. It’s important to know that yellow-light foods aren’t necessarily “problem” foods. They can include nutritious options you eat from time to time. For example, you might not be a huge fan of eggplant, but you’ll have it when your partner makes it or when it’s part of a restaurant meal. Or you eat tofu once a week for “meatless Mondays.” These can be any kind of food, from certain “junk foods” to healthier options like kale.

Red light foods are the ones you usually steer clear of or limit.

Red light foods aren’t necessarily bad; they’re just foods you choose not to eat often. These foods might not be suitable for you because:

They don’t align with your goals, you tend to overindulge in them, you have allergies to them, they’re hard to digest, or you simply dislike them.

Ultra-processed foods often fall into this group because many people struggle to stop once they start eating them. Some call them “trigger foods” because a single bite can lead to a couch covered in Cheeto dust and empty ice cream cartons. However, it doesn’t mean you must avoid these foods entirely. For instance, you might not stock cheesecake in your freezer, but you’ll happily savor a big slice on a special occasion. On the other hand, even “healthy” foods can make it to the red light list. If broccoli is a no-go for you, putting it on the red light list is perfectly fine. After all, who wants to eat foods they can’t stand?

If eating apples gives you hives, consider it a red light food. And if plain, baked chicken breast makes you feel like you’re on a strict diet, that’s another red light item. Remember, placing something on your red light list doesn’t mean you can never have it again. Unless you have severe allergies, it’s worth trying them occasionally. You might develop a taste for something you currently dislike or learn to enjoy it in moderation.

Hold up: Couldn’t the traffic light system promote shame, guilt, or disordered habits?

It all comes down to how you apply it. The PN traffic light system isn’t about categorizing foods or adhering to a rigid system flawlessly. Instead, it’s designed to help you understand which foods suit you and which ones might not. This way, you can make informed choices that align with your preferences.

However, not every traffic light system is the same.

Some other programs also use the traffic light system, but they apply it in a different way than PN. They mainly consider the nutritional value of foods to determine which ones you should eat most (green), eat moderately (yellow), and eat sparingly in small amounts (red). Moreover, their list is the same for everyone.

In contrast, our approach is distinct for a couple of reasons. First, we avoid labeling foods as “bad” or forbidden.

Based on what we’ve observed and learned from working with clients, limiting food choices often results in more challenging eating habits, not fewer. While we do provide resources to guide people toward healthier options, our primary goal is to assist clients in making changes that align with their preferences. Additionally, when employed as a tool for increasing awareness, the traffic light eating method can actually help individuals reduce unhealthy eating habits and feel more confident, adaptable, and content with their food decisions.

This can feel life-changing.

Once you understand which foods suit you, which ones are just okay, and which ones create problems, making food choices becomes simpler. The best part is that you can adjust your traffic lights whenever you like, and they grow with you. Even better, your decisions are tailored to you – your body, mind, and health – not someone else’s diet, meal plan, points, or regulations. Your dietary choices become less rigid and more adaptable, making food less stressful, not more.

3 Easy and Delicious Intermittent Fasting Recipes for Your Next Meal

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a way of eating that involves going without food for a while and then eating. It’s not about telling you what foods to eat but more about when you eat.

Instead of a typical diet, it’s more like a way of eating. There are two common types of intermittent fasting: one where you fast for 24 hours twice a week and another where you fast for 16 hours every day. People have been fasting for a long time. Back in the day, early hunters and gatherers didn’t have stores, fridges, or food available all the time. So, there were times when they couldn’t easily find food.

Cajun Spiced Salmon

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 2

Serving Size: 360 grams

This easy-to-make Cajun-flavored salmon is so versatile that you can cook it using various methods like baking, broiling, pan-searing, or grilling. You can whip up this healthy dinner in just 30 minutes. Each serving has 359 calories, 35.4 grams of protein, 21.4 grams of fat, and 9.1 grams of carbohydrates.

For this recipe, you’ll need these ingredients: 3/4 pound of salmon filet, sodium-free taco seasoning, 1/4 head of cauliflower (cut into florets), 1/2 head of broccoli (cut into florets), 1-1/2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder, and 2 medium tomatoes (diced).


1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.

2. Place the salmon on a baking sheet.

3. Mix the taco seasoning with 1/2 cup of water in a small bowl. Pour this sauce over the salmon and bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until the fish turns completely opaque.

4. While baking the salmon, use a food processor to blend the broccoli and cauliflower until they resemble “rice,” working in batches if necessary.

5. In a large skillet over medium heat, heat the oil. Add the broccoli and cauliflower, cooking for 5 to 6 minutes until they are just tender, and season with garlic powder.

6. Serve by placing the fish and tomatoes on top of the “rice.”

Black Bean Soup

Preparation Time: 10 minutes

Cooking Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 2

Serving Size: 328 grams

This easy-to-make black bean soup is both simple and delicious, featuring black beans and common ingredients. It’s a vegetarian, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly soup. In a single serving, you’ll find 725 calories, 40.9 grams of protein, 14 grams of fat, and 113 grams of carbohydrates.

For this recipe, you’ll need 1-1/2 tablespoons of avocado oil, a small chopped onion, 1/2 tablespoon of ground cumin, 2-3 cloves of garlic, one 14 1/2-ounce can of black beans, 1 cup of water, salt, and pepper for seasoning, a small finely chopped red onion, and 2 tablespoons of coarsely chopped cilantro.


1. In a pot, sauté the chopped onion using avocado oil.

2. Once the onion turns transparent, add the ground cumin.

3. Introduce the garlic and cook for an additional 30 to 60 seconds.

4. Add half of the black beans and one cup of water to the pot.

5. Bring it to a simmer, stirring occasionally.

6. Turn off the heat.

7. Use a hand blender to blend the ingredients in the pot or transfer them to a blender.

8. Return the mixture to the pot along with the remaining half of the beans, and heat it to a simmer.

9. Serve the soup, garnished with bowls of cilantro and red onion.

10. You can also add a bit more cilantro for an extra touch of flavor.

Chicken Farro Bowls

Preparation Time: 25 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes Servings: 2 Serving Size: 633 grams

This chicken farro bowl recipe is perfect for lunch or dinner, offering a quick, fresh, and simple meal. Each serving of this dish provides 539 calories, 42.4 grams of protein, 30 grams of fat, and 23.3 grams of carbohydrates.

Here are the ingredients you’ll need for this dish: 1/2 cup of farro, 1-1/2 cups of water, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1 large boneless skinless chicken breast, 1-1/2 tablespoons of coconut oil, zest from 1/2 a lime, 1 tablespoon of lime juice, 2 grated garlic cloves, 1/2 teaspoon of dried oregano, 1/4 teaspoon of kosher salt, 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper, 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil, 1/2 pint of halved cherry tomatoes, 1 cup of chopped cucumber, 1/4 of a sliced red onion, 1 cup of tzatziki sauce (recipe below), 1/4 cup of crumbled Ricotta cheese, lemon wedges for serving, and fresh parsley for garnish (optional).

For the tzatziki sauce, you’ll need 1 cucumber, 1 garlic clove, 1 cup of Greek yogurt, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice, and 1/4 teaspoon of dried tarragon.


1. Start by rinsing and draining the farro. Then, combine the farro with water and a bit of salt in a pot. Bring it to a boil, and once it’s boiling, let it simmer for about 30 minutes. Make sure to get rid of any extra water.

2. Next, in a large zip bag, put the chicken breasts along with coconut oil, lime zest, lime juice, garlic, oregano, salt, and pepper. Allow it to marinate for at least four hours, or you can leave it overnight.

3. When you’re ready to cook, heat a large skillet over medium-high heat, and cook the chicken breasts for about 7 minutes on each side until the inside reaches 165°F. Remove the marinade.

4. After taking the chicken out of the pan, let it rest for five minutes before slicing it.

5. Now, to assemble the Greek bowls, put a layer of farro in your bowl or meal prep container. Add thinly sliced chicken breasts, ricotta cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion, and tzatziki sauce on top. You can also serve it with lemon wedges for extra flavor and some parsley for garnish. Enjoy!

Tzatziki sauce

1. Line a big bowl with a paper towel and put the mesh strainer inside.

2. Grate the cucumber and garlic finely using a cheese grater, then get rid of any extra liquid.

3. mix the grated cucumber, garlic, Greek yogurt, salt, lemon juice, and tarragon in a medium bowl.

4. After you’ve mixed everything, chill it in the fridge for an hour before serving.

Try These 3 Healthy Turkey Recipes Today!

Turkey is a great protein source. Your body uses protein to build and maintain things like bones, muscles, skin, and blood. Turkey has niacin, vitamin B6, tryptophan, and lots of protein. It also has zinc and vitamin B12. The white meat, without the skin, is low in fat and has lots of protein. It also has vitamin B6 and niacin, which help your body make energy from food. Niacin is important for changing proteins, fats, and carbs into energy your body can use.

Rosemary Roasted Turkey

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Cooking Time: 4 hours

Servings: 16 Serving Size: 325 grams

This recipe ensures your turkey is both tasty and juicy. Pick a turkey that matches the number of guests you’re serving. The nutritional values for this food are as follows: it contains 508 kilocalories, 58.7 grams of protein, 25.8 grams of fat, and 1 gram of carbohydrates.


  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons minced garlic
  • 2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
  • 1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • salt to taste
  • 1 (12-pound) whole turkey


1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit (165 degrees Celsius).

2. Add olive oil, garlic, rosemary, basil, Italian seasoning, black pepper, and salt in a small bowl. Set aside.

3. Wash and dry the turkey both inside and out, removing any excess fat. Gently loosen the skin on the breast by sliding your fingertips between the skin and the breast, being careful not to tear it. Work the skin down to the end of the drumstick.

4. Spread the rosemary mixture under the breast flesh and down the thigh and leg. Coat the outside of the breast with the remaining rosemary mixture, using toothpicks to seal the skin over any exposed breast meat.

5. Place the turkey on a rack in a roasting pan. Add about 1/4 inch of water to the bottom of the pan.

6. Roast the turkey in a preheated oven for 3 to 4 hours or until it reaches an internal temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit (80 degrees Celsius).

Herb and Citrus Butter Roasted Turkey

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Cooking Time: 4 hours

Servings: 12 Serving Size: 125 grams

You can easily and enjoyably make a delicious whole-roasted turkey with herb citrus butter. Seasonal vegetables accompany the meal and features a flavorful lemon and herb butter. Each serving provides 698 calories, with 78.8 grams of protein, 33.1 grams of fat, and 4.7 grams of carbohydrates.


  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 shallot
  • 8 large sage leaves
  • 2 tbsp. fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 tbsp. rosemary leaves
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 fresh whole turkey
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 celery ribs
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • 1 cup low-sodium turkey or chicken broth
  • 1/4 cup almond flour


1. To make the herb butter, put 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and zest in a food processor with the other 5 ingredients, making sure the herbs are finely chopped and the mixture is smooth.

2. Set aside 1/4 cup of the herb butter. Preheat the oven to 425°F. Remove and discard the turkey’s neck and giblets, fill the cavity with water, and drain it.

3. Carefully lift and loosen the skin from the turkey breast without completely separating it. Spread 3 tablespoons of herb butter under the skin, secure it back, and use wooden picks to hold it if needed.

4. Season the inside and outside of the turkey with salt and pepper. Place the onion, carrot, and celery in a large roasting pan.

5. Put the turkey on a lightly oiled roasting rack in the pan. Tie the ends of the legs together with kitchen twine and tuck the wingtips underneath.

6. Use the remaining herb butter to coat the entire turkey. Pour wine and chicken broth into the roasting pan.

7. Roast on the bottom oven rack at 425°F for 30 minutes, then reduce the heat to 325°F and cook for 2 to 2.5 hours, basting with pan juices every 30 minutes, until a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the thigh reads 165°F.

8. Cover it with aluminum foil When it starts to brown too much. Take it out of the oven and let it rest for 20 minutes. Transfer the turkey to a serving dish and strain the drippings through a fine wire mesh strainer into a container, discarding any solids.

9. Reserve 2 1/2 cups of the pan drippings. In a skillet over medium heat, melt the reserved herb butter. Whisk in the flour and cook for 1 to 2 minutes while constantly whisking.

10. Gradually add the 2 1/2 cups of reserved drippings to the skillet, stirring continuously, until it comes to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for five minutes, stirring occasionally, until it thickens. Serve the gravy with the turkey.

Cranberry Stuffed Turkey Breasts

Preparation Time: 45 minutes

Cooking Time: 60 minutes

Servings: 10

Serving Size: 200 grams

These were such a hit at the holiday dinner party that I started serving them instead of the usual whole turkey on Thanksgiving. In each serving, you’ll find 553 calories, 42.2 grams of protein, 12.2 grams of fat, and 73.6 grams of carbohydrates.


  • 1 (12 ounces) package of herb-seasoned bread stuffing mix
  • 2 skinless, boneless turkey breasts
  • 1 cup chopped pecans
  • 2 (8 ounces) packages of dried, sweetened cranberries
  • 1 tablespoons olive oil
  • 6 lettuce leaves
  • ½ cup pecan halves


1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius).

2. Prepare the stuffing mix as directed on the package and let it cool.

3. Use a sharp knife to butterfly the chicken breasts, making them open flat, and then flatten them further by gently pounding them between two sheets of waxed paper.

4. Spread the prepared stuffing evenly on each breast, leaving about a quarter-inch margin. You can also add dried cranberries and chopped nuts, saving some for garnish.

5. Roll up the chicken breasts tightly, starting from the long end, and tuck in the ends. Secure the rolls by tying them with sections of kitchen twine, about four sections around the center and one along the length of each roll.

6. Heat olive oil in a large cast iron skillet over medium-high heat and brown the rolls carefully on all sides.

7. Place the skillet in the oven, cover, and bake for about an hour in a preheated oven at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer, aiming for 170 degrees F (78 degrees C) to prevent them from drying out.

8. Let the rolls rest for 15 minutes before removing the twine and slicing them into 1/2 to 3/4-inch circles. Slice one roll for presentation while leaving the other whole, displaying the spiral pattern of the stuffing. Place them on a bed of curly lettuce and garnish with the reserved dried cranberries and the remaining 1/2 cup of pecan halves.