9 Foods to Boost Muscle Growth


We often discuss losing weight here, but let’s talk about the importance of building and supporting lean muscle mass. Planning your meals and knowing which foods help build muscle can really help you get stronger. But before we dive into those foods, let’s quickly talk about WHY it’s beneficial to eat in a way that supports muscle growth.

First, having more muscle means your body burns more calories even when you’re resting. So, building and keeping muscle mass helps you burn more calories without doing anything active.

Second, building muscle lowers your risk of getting hurt now and helps prevent osteoporosis as you get older. It’s like having insurance for your body as you age.

Third, feeling and looking stronger can make you happier. Lifting heavier weights, moving furniture, carrying all your groceries at once, and seeing muscle definition can boost your confidence and self-esteem.

Nonfat Greek Yogurt 

When you’re tired of eggs but still want protein for breakfast, this is a good option. It also has probiotics that keep your gut healthy.

Boneless Skinless Chicken 

This is a popular choice for high-protein, low-calorie, and low-fat foods. It’s simple to prepare and can be used in many different recipes.


Eggs are considered almost perfect for protein because they contain eight out of the nine essential amino acids your body needs to build and fix muscles. Have you tried our frittata recipes?


Almonds, pistachios, and peanuts are excellent sources of protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients. Choose unsalted ones for a fast, handy snack that supports your muscles.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is similar to Greek yogurt and is a good protein option. It’s rich in casein protein, which digests slowly, and experts suggest it as a bedtime snack.


Spinach has iron, magnesium, and glutamine, which help build muscles. Studies also show that the nitrate in spinach can make muscles respond faster and stronger.


It’s lean, has healthy fats, and gives you lots of protein with fewer calories than other meats. Plus, it’s packed with zinc, calcium, and other essential minerals. If possible, opt for wild-caught rather than farmed.


This small grain contains all nine essential amino acids in every serving. You can include it in your meals throughout the day, from breakfast to dinner.

Grass Fed Beef 

Grass-fed beef has less cholesterol and more healthy omega fats than grain-fed beef. It’s still rich in protein and a good source of iron, which is important for strong muscles and bones.

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