Given how much the fitness industry tries to find a quick fix for weight loss and better health, you might expect to see lots of ads about split peas. Studies have shown that eating a lot of fiber is good for losing weight, and it also helps with things like lowering cholesterol, controlling blood sugar, and improving digestion. But most people don’t eat enough fiber, which is around 25-35 grams a day.
If you think eating more fiber is a hassle, don’t worry. Eat This Much can help you set a goal for how much fiber you need in your diet. We also have a big list of foods and recipes that tell you how much fiber they have. So, there are no more excuses! Here are some super easy ways to eat more fiber.
Ditch the white stuff

White bread and white rice look and taste the way they do because they don’t have fiber. Just compare the amount of fiber in a serving of white rice to brown rice. You’re missing out on six times more fiber by not choosing whole grains. The same goes for white and whole wheat bread, even though the difference isn’t as big. When you’re at the store, try to find bread with more fiber, like this one. You can also change things up by using high-fiber tortillas.
Plan fruit and veggies as your snacks.

Prioritizing high-fiber foods doesn’t require eating salad all the time. It can be as easy as having some raw carrot sticks as a snack in your meal plan. Just 1 cup of baby carrots gives you more than 7 grams of fiber. You can also enjoy other high-fiber snacks like raw jicama (6.4 grams per cup) and a raw pear (a medium one has 5.5 grams).
Eat more beans

Legumes, like lentils and chickpeas, are fantastic sources of fiber and can be included in your meals or snacks. For example, lentils are impressive because just one cup offers more than 20 grams of fiber. Chickpeas are versatile – you can enjoy them as a snack, dip, or main dish, and they provide 24.4 grams of fiber per cup. Split peas, although not true legumes, offer over 16 grams of fiber per cup when cooked and are great for making soups. Beans are another option if you’re looking for a high-protein, meat-free addition to your diet.
Blend flax and chia seeds into your shakes.

Your regular protein shake is a great choice after a workout or for an afternoon snack. However, it’s a missed opportunity to get more fiber. You can easily boost the fiber content by adding flaxseed or chia seeds. Just put in a tablespoon of flaxseed for 2.8 grams of fiber or chia seeds for 4.1 grams. Mix it in your blender or shaker, and you’ll instantly have a fiber-rich shake. If you really want to supercharge your shake, add a tablespoon of psyllium husk, which provides 13.5 grams of fiber. Just remember to drink plenty of water when you do this to avoid any digestive issues.
Stop drinking “smoothies.”

As we’ve explained before, those so-called “healthy” smoothies and juices that claim to be better than soda are not a good choice. Even the “super-healthy” green ones won’t significantly improve your diet. First of all, the ones you buy at the store are often packed with sugar, even if they claim to be full of fruits and veggies. If you’ve ever tasted kale or spinach juice, you know they don’t taste anything like fruits. Second, many of these drinks remove a lot, if not all, of the fiber before they’re bottled, which means you lose out on their nutrition. Instead of these drinks, try to eat your fruits and vegetables. If you really can’t do without your smoothie, make them at home. Ensure they include a mix of fresh fruits and veggies, and monitor your calorie intake. Fruits can be high in calories and sugar, so if you wouldn’t eat a whole pineapple in one day, it’s best not to drink one either.
Boosting your fiber intake is easy. You can start by replacing some foods in your diet with high-fiber options or adding new items to your meals. To get on the right track, begin by keeping track of how much fiber you currently eat. This way, you’ll know how much more you need to add. You might not reach your daily fiber goal right away, but even adding one extra serving of fruits or vegetables each day can help a lot.